Impacts of Human Acts and Acts of Man in the Society
Explicate the impact of ‘human acts’ and ‘acts of man’
towards positive or negative realization of projects in the society.
are free choices performed by man. The Human persons is an intelligent and free
capable of determining our own lives by our own free choices. This is through
by freely choosing to shape our lives and actions in accord with the truth by
making good moral choices. Acts of which a human persona has master, these are
acts which are carried out with full knowledge and of his own will. Human
actions performed by human person knowingly and freely, the will is properly
enlightened by the intellect. Therefore, Human acts are those acts which
proceed from a deliberate freewill.
The three elements of human acts are: knowledge,
freedom and voluntariness. Only human acts are moral acts since it is only with
human acts that, human person is responsible for his or her actions.
Freedom-makes man a moral subject- when human acts in deliberate manner, he or
she is the father or mother of his or her acts. Human person is thus
responsible (culpable/guilt/responsible/liable) for those acts which he or she
can acknowledge that he or she has done them because he or she wanted to and he
or she can explain why he or she decided to do them. Those acts can be morally
classified, either good or evil.
Intellect and the will are not two successive acts but
two elements of human acts. It is not that the intellect that knows and the
will that decides but human person who both knows and decides through
simultaneous use of the two faculties, the “will” and “intellect”. The Will
directs the intellect to know whereas the Intellect directs the will to want
the object it proposes. Will is the only object which necessarily attracts the
“Absolute Good”. Partial goods imperfectly known, will not necessarily attract
the will. The “Will” naturally inclined to the good but the human person may
sometimes deliberately choose something morally evil. In this case, the will
chooses a partially good that the “will” itself has commanded the intellect to
present as such. How did it happen? Because the will has a fixed inclination to
the good, the “will” can only choose something bad when it is presented under
its good aspects. This is due to the disordered disposition of the “will” with
respect to its last end, and the means leading to it, there lies the
culpability of the choice.
The full grasp of what the free human act is and the
role it plays in human action cannot be appreciated without an analysis of the
whole human act as it is exercised in the concrete order, involving both the
intellect and the will.
Interplay of Intellect and Will. The numbering of the
steps, evenly divided between the intellect and the will, manifests the
intimate connection between the intellect and the will in human action. On the
one hand, the intellectual acts specify the acts of the will, for what one
wills does depend on what he knows; on the other hand, each act of the will
subsequently moves the intellect to a further act of knowing until the will is
brought to some rest in an enjoyment of what was initially desired or, if
unsuccessful, to a sorrow in not attaining what was initially desired. It
should be noted that the human act is outlined here in terms of its intrinsic
parts; the role of the emotions and other influences have also to be taken into
account. Primarily, however, the human act is constituted of individual acts on
the part of the intellect and the will.
This analysis of the human act enables one to
understand human freedom better and to see, more precisely, what constitutes
the free human act, which is usually spoken of as free will. One can now
comprehend that actually a man's free act is a joint product of intellect and
will. It is exercised principally, though not exclusively, in steps seven and
eight of the list, the judgment on the part of the intellect that is
inseparably allied with the choice of means. The connection between intellect
and will is most intimate here. The intellect, in its practical judgment with
regard to a means, is a determining cause of the will's choosing one object
rather than another. But this is a determination coming from knowledge; and hence
the will, in exercising the act of choice, is still choosing freely what is
proposed on the part of the intellect. In a concrete instance facing man in
knowing what he should do, his judgment of the choice is made and the will
accordingly freely exercises its act of choice. This is positive freedom of
specification: freely choosing to do what one knows one should do. Negative
freedom consists in one's being able to reject what he knows he should do. What
is involved here also is the judgment of con science, which is still distinct
from the practical judgment of the intellect in regard to choice. The latter
judgment, as has been seen, is inseparably connected with appetite—with the
will in its act of choice. The judgment of conscience, analytically prior to
the practical judgment with reference to choice, is wholly an act of the
intellect and thus apart from an actual choice to be made here and now; in an
act of conscience one judges that an individual act is right to do as falling
under a universal judgment or precept that acts of this kind should be done. It
is a judgment of conscience, for example, that this debt should be paid, as
falling under the universal judgment that debts should be paid. It is not yet
the practical judgment with regard to choice and the ensuing act of choice,
which takes place here and now, and where freedom of the human act is
ultimately and principally located.
Then, Acts of
man refer to those acts which man performs without being master of them
through his intellect and will, therefore, they are not voluntary. Examples of
Acts of Man are: the natural acts of vegetative and sense faculties-digestion,
beating of heart, growth, corporal reactions, visual or auditive perceptions -
but these acts may become human acts when they are performed with
malice, or when we are directed by the will, when we look at something or
arouse ourselves. Acts of persons without the proper use of reason– children or
insane persons. Acts of people asleep or under the influence of hypnosis,
alcohol or other drugs- however, there may still be some degree of control by
the will- but there is indirect responsibility if the cause of the loss of
control is voluntary. Primo-primi acts –quick and nearly automatic
reactions –reflex and nearly instantaneous reactions without timefor the
intellect or will to intervene. Acts performed under serious physical – or in
some cases –moral violence.
Essential Qualities of Acts of Man: done without
knowledge, without consent and involuntary. Acts of man can become human acts when
one employs intellect and will in performing the act. An act of man is one that
is not dependent upon intellect and free will. It is done by a person but is
not proper to him as a person because it does not stem from those facilities
which peculiar to man, namely, intellect and will.
Differences between human acts and acts of man are:
Acts of Human is the immediate action or the point
where one does it without much thought and this holds a lot of values within,
it clearly shows the strong morals developed in him. Example: Jumping into
river to save a person drowning without knowing to swim/not. Human act is more
of conscience involved, where he knows and understands the act being performed.
Example: Before jumping into river, he judges his ability to swim and save. If
not, asks right person to do it.
Acts of Human need not be definitely positive in
nature, it can be negative too. Example: slapping the other person because he
slapped you - spontaneous action. Here with little application of knowledge and
thought one can turn the acts of Human into human acts. At this junction of
thought/knowledge, if one uses it- it turns to be human acts and if not- turns
to be acts of Human.
Certain factors which may affect any of the three
constituents of human acts are: Ignorance: Lack or absence of knowledge in a
person capable of knowing a certain thing or things. Invincible ignorance: The
type of ignorance which cannot be dispelled by ordinary diligence.
Impacts of human acts towards positive realization of
projects in the society are:
Studying is a human act which have positive
realization of projects in the society. Through studying and being educated,
people are now aware about different projects which are taking place in the
society. For example, road construction project where by people are aware about
this because of being educated. Those who get an education have higher incomes,
have more opportunities in their lives, and tend to be healthier. Societies
benefit as well. Societies with high rates of education completion have lower
crime, better overall health, and civic involvement. Lack of access to
education is considered the root of poverty. There's a reason that many girls
in third world countries are devastated when something unexpected happens
(perhaps related to family issues or more broadly, poverty) and their parents
can no longer afford to send them to school. From a third world perspective,
education is one of the only keys of breaking the vicious cycle of poverty.
Basic education is able to substantially lift up a family's quality of living.
Say a mother has fundamental basic education, such as simple maths, English
etc, her children would already be at an advantage. A mother who has basic
education is more likely to send her children to school rather than expect them
to rear children at a young and vulnerable age of 13. Basic educational skills
will also likely mean that you are more likely to understand methods that
protect you from easily preventable illnesses (for instance, you may know to
boil water to prevent bacterial induced diarrhoea from drinking dirty,
unfiltered dug-up well water). Moreover, those with an education are more
likely to be able to get a higher paying job, let's say in tourism rather than
one of subsistence (using your own labour in the fields). Although in third
world countries this may not be the biggest advantage given the inherent lack
of jobs, it definitely gives you a fighting advantage over someone who does not
have any education.
Practicing safe sex is a human act which have positive
realization of projects in the society. In the society there is a project which
aim at reducing the spread of HIV/AIDS. Through practicing safe sex, the spread
of viruses are low. This is helping to
save people health who may be would die with AIDS if they never practiced safe
sex. Some benefits include protection against HIV, sexually transmitted
diseases, and pregnancy and a reduction in the risk of pelvic inflammatory
disease and cervical cancer among women. Safer sex has no side effects, and the
tight fit of a condom for some men helps maintain an erection. Safe sex and a
loving partner can be a recipe for happiness. Engaging in sexual activity can
bring instant emotional and physical satisfaction.
Agricultural activities is a human act which have
positive realization of projects in the society. Society need to remove poverty
and to increase food security in the country. Through agriculture, people are
doing good actions to ensure that there is availability of food in the society.
Farming creates opportunities to lift people out of poverty in developing
nations. Over 60 percent of the world's working poor works in agriculture.
Farming creates more jobs, beginning with farmers, and continuing with farm
equipment makers, food processing plants, transportation, infrastructure and
manufacturing. The foremost advantage is that food is being produced in
appreciable abundance. Food production creates additional industries: seed
development and production; crop protection services; equipment retailers and
service providers; grain handling and processing services; livestock processing
plants; transportation; and retailers of various description. Employment for
millions of people around the world.
Good leadership is a human act which have positive
realization of project in the society. A good leader, bring development to the
people. A good leader is important to end all problems facing the community. Effective
leaders have the necessary tools and skills to inspire and impact their teams
allowing firms to run competently and smoothly. Developing effective leaders
brings untold benefits to businesses including higher productivity, happier staff,
better retention and loyalty. One of the advantages of leadership is that if
leaders are able to delegate tasks efficiently, they can help increase worker
productivity. Good leadership is what gets people excited to work, it raises
the morale, and it keeps everything and everyone on track. Motivating employees
-sound leadership creates an urge for accomplishment and transforms potential
into performance.
Helping others is a human act which have positive
realization of project in the society. There are people in our community who
need our help because of different problems facing them. It’s good to help
people so as to make this world a good place to be. Giving to others can also
help protect your mental and physical health. It can reduce stress, combat
depression, keep you mentally stimulated, and provide a sense of purpose. Giving
in even simple ways can help those in need and improve your health and
happiness. Volunteering your time, money, or energy to help others doesn't just
make the world better—it also makes you better. Studies indicate that the very
act of giving back to the community boosts your happiness, health, and sense of
well-being. Four things stand out to me about people who help others. They
display initiative, confidence, care, and capacity—all extremely positive
Respect to laws is a human act which have positive
realization of project in the society. Laws are made to make the society
better. People who respect laws made life feel good in the community. The
importance of respecting rules is that, when they are followed, benefit a
individual, group, or society as a whole. You may have personal rules, i.e.
sticking to a diet. Rules for a group depend on the group, but might be
something like a company deciding to handle a project in a certain way, and
society at large has laws. As long as these laws are just and beneficial, they
should be enforced and respected. When human rights are expressed and
guaranteed by law, those laws help to ensure that we are all treated fairly,
and with dignity, equality and respect.
Also, Impacts of human acts towards negative
realization of projects in the society are:
Using of drugs like alcohol, weed and cocaine is a
human act which have negative realization of projects in the society. People
who use drugs are not aware about different projects in the society. They bring
negative effects in the society. For example, drug users have habit of stealing
different material which are used to make different infrastructures. For
example, many drug users have a habit of stealing dustbin made for city waste
disposal. This is bad and can cause eruption of cholera. Disadvantages of drugs
include, increased strain on the liver, which puts the person at risk of
significant liver damage or liver failure. Seizures, stroke, mental confusion
and brain damage. Lung disease. Problems with memory, attention and
decision-making, which make daily living more difficult.
Terrorism is a human act which have negative
realization of projects in the society. Terrorist cause negative effects in the
society by killing people and destroying buildings and other infrastructure.
For example, because of terrorism and terrorist groups, Somalia is a failure
state. Terrorist acts can cause ripple effects through the economy that have
negative impacts. The most obvious is the direct economic destruction of
property and lives. Terrorism indirectly affects the economy by creating market
uncertainty, xenophobia, loss of tourism, and increased insurance claims.
Corruption is a human act which have negative
realization of projects in the society. Corrupt leaders are a reason of failure
of different projects. For example, some leaders take money which may be was
needed for construction of hospitals to help people. Also because of
corruption, some business are failing every day. All in all, corruption is a
source of many youths unemployment. Now days, employment depend on connections.
Corruption erodes the trust we have in the public sector to act in our best
interests. It also wastes our taxes or rates that have been earmarked for
important community projects – meaning we have to put up with poor quality
services or infrastructure, or we miss out altogether.
Then, Impacts of act of man towards positive
realization of projects in the society are:
Acts of man like breathing, eye blinking, heart rates
and brain functioning have positive impacts towards realization of projects in
the society whereby, through those body function, man became healthier who is
able to do different work to bring development in his/her community. To have
health body, people should have health diet. Healthful eating has many health
benefits, such as reducing the risk of heart disease, stroke, obesity, and type
2 diabetes. It can also boost a person's mood and provide them with more
energy. A doctor or dietitian can provide tips on eating a more healthful diet.
Sometime acts of man can have negative impact, for
example when someone is drunk, he/she can rape or be raped and cause serious
problem in the society like spread of HIV/AIDS, pregnant and psychological
Finally, ‘human acts’ and ‘acts of man’ have impacts
towards positive or negative realization of projects in the society. An act
that is performed only by a human being and thus is proper to man. Not every
act that a human being does is a distinctively human act. Some acts that human
beings do are performed also by animals, e.g., vegetative acts and acts of
perception and of emotion. When a human being does such acts, they are called
acts of man but not human acts. Acts of man, therefore, are acts shared in
common by man and other animals, whereas human acts are proper to human beings.
What makes an act performed by a human being distinctively a human act is that
it is voluntary in character, that is, an act in some way under the control or
direction of the will, which is proper to man. One can therefore identify the
human act with the voluntary act. A voluntary act proceeds either from the will
itself—for example, an act of love or of choice—or from some other human power
that can in some way be moved by the will, whether an act of the intellect, of
sense cognition, or of emotion; even an act of some bodily member as commanded
by the will can be a voluntary act. This analysis of the human act enables one
to understand human freedom better and to see, more precisely, what constitutes
the free human act, which is usually spoken of as free will. One can now
comprehend that actually a man's free act is a joint product of intellect and
will. It is exercised principally, though not exclusively, in steps seven and
eight of the list, the judgment on the part of the intellect that is inseparably
allied with the choice of means. The connection between intellect and will is
most intimate here. The intellect, in its practical judgment with regard to a
means, is a determining cause of the will's choosing one object rather than
another. But this is a determination coming from knowledge; and hence the will,
in exercising the act of choice, is still choosing freely what is proposed on
the part of the intellect. In a concrete instance facing man in knowing what he
should do, his judgment of the choice is made and the will accordingly freely
exercises its act of choice. This is positive freedom of specification: freely
choosing to do what one knows one should do. Negative freedom consists in one's
being able to reject what he knows he should do. What is involved here also is
the judgment of con science, which is still distinct from the practical
judgment of the intellect in regard to choice. The latter judgment, as has been
seen, is inseparably connected with appetite—with the will in its act of choice.
The judgment of conscience, analytically prior to the practical judgment with
reference to choice, is wholly an act of the intellect and thus apart from an
actual choice to be made here and now; in an act of conscience one judges that
an individual act is right to do as falling under a universal judgment or
precept that acts of this kind should be done. It is a judgment of conscience,
for example, that this debt should be paid, as falling under the universal
judgment that debts should be paid. It is not yet the practical judgment with
regard to choice and the ensuing act of choice, which takes place here and now,
and where freedom of the human act is ultimately and principally located.
Aristotle, Eth. Nic. 1103a 12–1119b 19, 1138b 15–1145a
Thomas Aquinas 1a2ae, 6–21. j. a. oesterle, Ethics:
The Introduction to Moral Science (Englewood Cliffs, N.J. 1957) 45–100. m. v.
Murray, Problems in Ethics (New York 1960) 72–106. v.
J. Bourke, Ethics (New York 1951) 57–120.
J. ford and G.
Kelly, Contemporary Moral Theology 1
I. Fuchs, Human Values and Christian Morality, tr. m.
Unahitaji Kufanyiwa Swali Lako? Gusa Hapa Kuwasiliana Nami.