History 2 Form Six Examination 2024 1
Time: 03 Hours
This paper consist of seven questions.
Answer a total of five question, question one is compulsory.
Each question carries 20 marks.
Cellular phone and any unauthorized materials are not allowed in the examination room.
Write your examination number on every page of your answer sheet(s).
Answer five questions, question one is compulsory.
1. Explain the reasons for Neo colonialism to persist in Third World countries despite achieving their political independence.
2. Analyse the measures which were taken to overcome the obstacles which hindered the development of agricultural sector in Britain during feudalism.
3. Show how the 1848 revolution crumbled the despotic and divine rule in Europe.
4. Analyse the political and economic changes that necessitated the transition from competitive to monopoly capitalism.
5. Examine challenges emanating from the 1967 Arusha Declaration.
6. Give the reasons which made the New Deal Programmes fail to achieve economic recovery in USA.
7. Validate the statement that “The Middle East Crisis negotiations face a number of impediments.”
1 Reasons for Neo colonialism to persist in Third World countries despite achieving their political independence are:
Creation of puppet regimes
Control of world market
Engineering political instabilities
Foreign aids
Foreign investments
Introduction of western culture
2 Measures which were taken to overcome the obstacles which hindered the development of agricultural sector in Britain during feudalism were:
Introduction of the enclosure system
Land reclamation
Introduction of modern machines
Introduction of scientific breeding
Establishment of crop rotation
3 The 1848 revolution crumbled the despotic and divine rule in Europe in the following way:
Establishment of religious tolerance
Establishment of democratic independent
Influenced nationalism in Europe
Overthrow the feudal and nobility system
Reforms of human rights principles
Establishment of parliamentary supremacy
4 The political and economic changes that necessitated the transition from competitive to monopoly capitalism were:
Development of science and technology
The rise of other industrial powers
Unification of Italy and unification of Germany
Rise of large monopolistic companies
Scientific education and research
The influence of Charles Darwin
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